July 29, 2010

Lame Attempt at Arrangement

It's a sad tune.

November 5, 2009

I couldn't not post this

In the spirit of Halloween, which I (sadly) did not get to enjoy this year, please enjoy this delightful photo of my mom, whose costume is a family staple, and one that would have made my dad so proud. (Of course, he probably would have wanted to wear it himself.)

August 27, 2009

Paris Is Closer Than You Think

I'm not saying I'll never post on this blog while I'm abroad, but I'll probably post rarely enough that it's worth your while to shift your attention to the blog Maggie and I have dedicated to documenting our preparations for and adventures in Paris:

Go there, and be happy. Also, come visit us!

Trip to Maine!

Last weekend, Maggie and I took a short trip to Maine to relax a bit before the big move. I'm stealing this slideshow from Maggie's blog to give you an idea of the things we saw and did. (I'd describe the trip in great detail, except there's so much to do to prepare to leave! Maybe after we get there, when I'm less busy? Um, maybe not.)

------------------------------------------------------------ Click here for a full screen view.

Final Garden Update

We're getting really close to leaving for France, and so I'm taking this opportunity to post the most recent pictures of the garden, which has wildly exceeded our expectations. We've gotten pounds and pounds of cucumbers, there are fresh tomatoes every day, we had a gazillion salads composed of our own lettuce, and there have been a few zucchinis and green peppers. All in all, a huge success!

Hopefully our housemates will continue to document the growth (and eventual decline) of the garden, as well as their efforts later in the fall to incorporate all the great compost we've created from kitchen scraps and yard waste. And then, there's next summer to look forward to!

August 4, 2009


Dad's yahrzeit is coming up (22 Av, August 12), so I've been thinking about him a lot. Tonight - and a few other nights, including (but not limited to) the nights of July 4th (Independence Day!) and July 9th (Somerville's celebration of Independence Day, including grand fireworks display!) - it's been our neighbors' impromptu fireworks shows that remind me of one of the classic "Dad" stories.

I was 10, maybe 11. It was July 4th and we went to a BBQ at the Dietrichs' house, about 3 blocks from where we lived. The party was fun, everyone was enjoying themselves, and as the sky darkened the hosts spread the word that they would light off some fireworks in the street. Now, fireworks are illegal in New Jersey - but it's July 4th! Let's have a little fun!

Not Dad. As an employee of the state and of the county (he was County Prosecutor) he felt that it would be unethical for him to observe the fireworks without intervening on behalf of the law. But he also didn't want to spoil everyone's night. So, he recused himself (that's the technical term) from the party - he went home. My dad was the most honorable - and most strictly ethical - person I've ever known.

Tonight, when the neighbors set off their fireworks, my response was more my dad's than my traditional, childish, "Ooh! Fireworks! I want to watch!" I used my Flip video camera to document the display, and thought about calling the police.

Little kid with sparkler, ok, not so bad. Throwing a very loud firecracker in the middle of the street? Questionable.

And again. Sounds like gunshots. Scares Panda.

Fireworks are just as illegal in Massachusetts as in New Jersey, and Somerville (where we live) is the 17th densest populated city in the country. Fireworks on your front step? Entertaining, maybe - but also a little dangerous, and a lot annoying to neighbors who cherish their quiet evenings. Maybe I'm a curmudgeon before my time, but our neighbors certainly aren't going out of their way to endear themselves to everyone else on the street.

The least they could have done was invite me, so I could recuse myself.

Dad Loved a Parade

I'm way behind on posting this, but over Memorial Day weekend, Somerville threw its annual parade. Rather than try to describe it in words, I'll just embed a few videos I took of the event, which was pretty epic. Highlights included a bunch of bands, a ton of Shriners, and Mayor Joe!

Good times!