January 19, 2009


Mom's doing better - she's been out of the hospital almost two weeks, and except for a new annoyance (bursitis in her right hip) she's recovering nicely. We're hopeful that she'll be back to work in a week or two. Keep sending get-well-vibes her way!

Last weekend, I took a time-out from mommy-care and joined Maggie on a quick jaunt to Milwaukee. We spent some time with Maggie's dad, attended the wedding of two of her college friends, and enjoyed several of Milwaukee's excellent museums. Sure, it was cold, but the coffee was plenty hot and plentiful to boot. You can see pictures of our visit here.

After Milwaukee I went back to New Jersey, where Panda and Sophie had learned how to play with each other. Cousins Sandi and Jacob came over to help me take down Plasticville and the trains. Nick cooked us dinner, and I made a successful spinach mushroom quiche. Finally, on Saturday, I headed back to Somerville. Allison had been planning on coming to visit, so Panda and I were able to ride with her, which was delightful. 

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Maggie had off from work. We joined our across-the-street neighbors Alyssa and Talya for an adventure: a trip to the Middlesex Fells!

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Our hike through the snow-covered terrain took us all the way around the South Reservoir, with views of the Middle Reservoir. 

Here are Talya (with Panda), Alyssa (lounging), and Maggie on the bridge that separates the South and Middle Reservoirs. 

It would be an understatement to say that Panda had the time of her life. She alternated between running way ahead of us, then sprinting back to where we were and beyond. 

She dashed over the frozen reservoir, played with other dogs she met, sniffed at the cross-country skiers, and exhausted herself thoroughly. The following video encapsulates most of that. We can't wait to go back!

Tomorrow evening, Maggie and I leave for a week in Florida, visiting family and taking a break from the bone-chilling temperatures of Milwaukee, South Jersey and Boston. I look forward to sharing more pictures, videos, and stories when we get back!

January 5, 2009

Sad Times Mommy

You wouldn't be able to tell from the last few posts, but since the evening of Sunday, December 28th, I've been hanging out with my mom - in the hospital. She has a severe case of clostridium difficile colitis, a bacterial infection of the large intestine. It's unpleasant stuff, and her recovery is likely to be long and arduous. The good news is that she doesn't need surgery - that's the last thing we wanted, after what happened in August. 

What My Mom is Teaching Me is perserverance - the ability to overcome challenge after challenge. She's well on her way to overcoming this one, but for good measure: 

Get well soon, mom!

January 4, 2009

Google Chrome

When you start typing a website's name in the address bar in Google's new browser, Chrome, the browser tries to guess which website you want before you finish typing. It usually guesses the websites you visit most frequently, or the website you visited most recently. Collectively, the websites that Google Chrome guesses based on each letter of the alphabet say a lot about me.


It's not exactly science, but interesting enough, I hope?

January 2, 2009

Panda! in the snow!

The first snowfall this year was a good one - we got around a foot and a half. Panda loved it! Here's a video of her showing off her agility skills. Jump, Panda, Jump!

Here's another one - she's still learning!

January 1, 2009


One of the great joys of Thanksgiving was getting to see my cousins: David and Jody, and their two sons, Josh and Sam; Sandi and Ethan, and their son Jacob. David and Sandi are my dad's niece and nephew (I'll have to do a family tree at some point). Here, I'll introduce you to my first cousins, once removed.

Josh and Sam (twins) are 8. They're super fun, and teach me all about the newest in gaming technologies. 

Josh helps his mom construct mobile homes.

Sam plays Nintendo DS while my mom constructs a home. Sophie looks on.

From left to right: Jody's knee, Mom, me, David

Jacob is 3, and unbearably cute. He loves to Skype and creates unique, figurative art.

Jacob in his native element (basement)

Jacob, Maggie and Panda (Jacob loooooves Panda)