June 14, 2009


Sorry I've been AWOL. For the last two weeks, I've been in South Jersey at my mom's house. My first week here, I helped prepare for and execute a massive yard sale - I basically cleared out the attic and parts of the basement, and we sold/gave away tons of stuff. Success! My second week here, I prepared for and executed a) a concert yesterday at the Friends Village (assisted living facility where Bubbe lives); b) Poppop's 89th birthday party (directly following the concert); and c) the Unveiling for my dad's monument (today). This entailed: 1) practicing a lot, as I haven't really played since dad died; 2) baking three batches of cookies, two batches of ice cream, two cakes, and grilling london broil, chicken, and salmon; 3) getting together a short service, which I led.

I also (in no particular order) did a lot of yardwork, ran various errands, spent time with family, booked airfare to Paris, found out I got a Fulbright for next year, possibly found an apartment in Paris, and enjoyed a day at the beach with my mom and cousin Jacob.

This hole got much deeper, but I can't prove it. Also, this picture was taken before I suffered a massive sunburn. This despite having put on sunscreen. Check out Jacob's cool shades!

Anyway, it's been a busy two weeks. Today was the culmination of it all - going to the cemetery for the first time since dad died, seeing the monument for the first time, saying goodbye all over again. It was easier, and it helped to be surrounded by lots of supportive friends and family - way more than is normal at an unveiling. I think Dad would have liked the memorial (simple but elegant) and the service (short, respectful, and mostly in Hebrew).

Dad, the stone I left on your monument is one I found in St. Geniez-d'Olt, France in July, 2004. It's been my lucky stone ever since - the one I've carried in my pocket every day (strange, I know). Today, I felt like it was the right time to leave it behind, with you.

I miss you.

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