November 3, 2008

Election Day

Of all the incredibly important things to consider on election day, here's perhaps the most important, as seen on Somerville's sample ballot:

It says, "Shall the state representative from this district be instructed to vote in favor of amending the state Constitution to replace the state Legislature with 100 randomly selected adult residents of the Commonwealth, each serving a one-year term, to be called the Commonwealth Jury and to have all the legislative and other powers of the current Legislature?"

I hope we all vote an emphatic "YES" on this non-binding question. Then, I could be randomly selected to rule Massachusetts for a full year!!!!

Also, vote no on question 1 (abolishing the state income tax is reckless) and yes on questions 2 (decriminalizing marijuana doesn't mean legalizing it) and 3 (greyhound racing: probably not quite the economic pillar its proponents make it out to be).

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